The Morning At Watrefront - Part 2

Posted by Terence On Friday, September 30, 2011 4 comments
The weather getting hotter. sweat! sweat! Luckily got trees around. :P

The Morning At Waterfront - Part 1

Posted by Terence On 0 comments
The replacement leave that I took (working on public holiday ma~~) , kind of useful today. hehe .... After bring her to a insurance seminar and while waiting for her, I take a walk at waterfront.  It was a great morning with alot of sunshine. Nice but sweat alot too. :) 

Business started.

Thank you for keeping the streets clean.

God's Love

Posted by Terence On Tuesday, September 27, 2011 0 comments

God's Love is greater than everything.

He love us all because we are all equal in the sight of God.

Fresh & Sweet

Posted by Terence On Thursday, September 22, 2011 2 comments
Nice to have a small garden at your backyard where you can do some gardening.  You can plant vege and use them for you cooking or eat it fresh cause you know you didn't put any pesticide to them. hehe ..:)

Chef At Home - Anniversary

Posted by Terence On Sunday, September 18, 2011 6 comments
Decided to celebrate earlier.  So, Happy Anniversary to Me and My wife. I love you my darling. hehe ... First thought of bringing her to have a nice dinner at restaurant outside.  but then, I decide to prepared it myself and glad that she love it.  :P ... We did shared some dishes with family too.

Heres the menu:
1) Baked Salmon with Asparagus Bacon Wrap, French Fries, Carrot, Broccoli.
2) Gourmet Grilling Burgers with Asparagus Bacon Wrap, French Fries, Carrot, Broccoli.
3) Side Dishes: Chicken BBQ Sticks, Mushroom Soup.

Baked Salmon : Refer recipe from

Gourmet Grilling Burgers : refer recipe from

Chicken BBQ Sticks and Gourmet Grilling Burgers

Mushroom Soup

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 中秋节快乐

Posted by Terence On Sunday, September 11, 2011 6 comments
The Mid Autumn Festival is around the corner now.  Decided to bake some moon cake to share with family and friends.  here's the recipe for making around 22pcs of 5cm moon cake.

Recipe for skin dough:
1) 480g golden syrup
2) 150g cooking oil
3) 1 tsp soda
4) 1 tbsp alkaline water
5) 600g moon cake flour

Filling : ready made from baking store.

Sift the moon cake flour into a bowl. Add in the golden syrup, cooking oil, alkaline water, soda and mix well.

Set aside for 2 to 3 hours after mixed.

Divide and roll the skin dough into ball. Flatten it into circle and put the filling (roll into ball first) into center.  Wrap the skin around the filling and close it up. Then, dust some flour on the mould and shape the moon cake.

First, preheat the microwave oven to 200 Degree Celsius for 10 minutes.  Then, Place the moon cake on the baking tray and put into microwave oven.  Bake at 180 Degree Celsius for 10 minutes.  After that, Remove from oven and brush the tops and sides evenly with egg york. Bake at 180 Degree Celsius for another 10 minutes and it's done. :D

Let the moon cake cold for a while and ready to ship out to family and friends. hehe

Happy Mid Autumn Festival Everyone. 中秋节快乐。

Sugar Egg 糖蛋

Posted by Terence On Monday, September 5, 2011 1 comments
在料理美食王学了一道菜-糖蛋,简单也好吃。 嘻嘻 。。 跟大家分享如何煮。

1. 4 粒蛋  ( 4 eggs )
2. 1 汤匙酱油 ( 1 tbsp of soya sauce )
3. 2 汤匙糖 ( 2 tbsp of sugar )
4. 水, 3/4杯 (3/4 cup of water )
5. 油 ( cooking oil )

- 把蛋煎成厚厚的,比较有口感。 嘻嘻。。 把蛋分成四片然后捞起搁一旁。
  (Stir fried the eggs, cut it to 4 pieces and take it out and set aside. Use the same wok to prepare the sauce. )
- 接下来是准备酱汁。 将酱油和糖一起煮滚。 然后加入水,煮滚。
  (Prepare the sauce by stir together the soya sauce, sugar and water. Wait until boiled. )
- 把蛋加入酱汁, 翻煮五分钟。 好了。
  (Add in the eggs into the boiling sauce and turn to cook for 5 minutes and done. yummy.)

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